


At Heabron, we pride ourselves on being the bridge that connects all players in the supply chain, utilizing cutting-edge processes to streamline the supply chain in the grain industry. Our model put farmers first as a valid stakeholder.

Input Provider Collaboration

At the core of our operation is our strategic collaboration and integration with input providers into our platform.
This allow for easy and faster provision of input to farmers and market opportunity for input providers.

Empowering Farmers

We believe  rural people will cultivate more higher yielding crops and improve food security if they have access to resources, information management and guaranteed market.
Our model empower the farmer to cross that intersection successfully- by providing them with asset financing, technical knowledge and resources needed.

Efficient Warehouse Management

We leverage a robust technology to manage our warehouse from end to end for seamless commodity trading removing the influence of the intermediaries.

Seamless Supply Chain Integration

We deploy efficient method to manage inbound and outbound logistics seamlessly from our tech-enabled warehouse.

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